Anticipating Mistess Ava

You’ve been waiting for this evening for so long, it’s finally here and it doesn’t feel real. Everything is like a dream. Almost lightheaded with excitement, you make your way to the center of the candlelit room and kneel down on a leather cushion, awaiting your Mistress’ arrival. On your knees and forearms with your face almost touching the floor, you greet her, not knowing what this night will truly bring.

The gropes of your inspection gradually turn into spanks. You know from experience that you need to be patient these first few minutes, as they are crucial to you feeling that red hot euphoric sensation, one that not only awakens your body, but your mind and your spirit as well. You’re warmed up properly; light slaps grow into heavier ones with stinging intensity. 

You Mistress continues to build up the tempo, stopping periodically to give your face and mouth a splash of ice cold water. Her hand begins to leave a perfect, light pink shadow that sticks to your skin. Gradually, she moves from using her hand to a soft leather paddle, then to a flogger with a nice, sharp bite. Over time, you're tied down in increasingly tight bondage in preparation for what's to come. 

After taking several impressive hits from a solid wooden paddle, your Mistress repositions you, and delicately picks up her cane. As she tenderly presses it against your aching skin, you close your eyes. 

You’ve wanted your Mistress to mark you with her cane for so long. Needing so badly to receive the privilege of bearing her deepest marks, you’ve dutifully followed the path she has developed for you. Now that your night has finally come, you understand that this caning is about much more than pain. You've worked hard to develop the trust it takes to fully let go, and let a powerful woman take control.


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