Bitch Boutique At Chicago Illusions Dungeon: Mistress Charlotte

Chicago Illusions Dungeon Cross dressing Mistress Forced Feminization

Welcome to Bitch Boutique, I am your stylist Mistress Charlotte. Wow. Now I hope you do not take this the wrong way…. you look like a train wreck, you poor thing no wonder you’re here! Listen, I am not going to sugar coat it, honey- you look like a man. You have stubble, fine lines, and quite the blank slate of a face we will call it. OMG you are too hairy… everywhere. Have you ever gotten a Mani Pedi??? Let me see your hands… Oh my, let’s not even ask about those toes. I am sure it's been tough for you to look this way, I cannot imagine LOL. I am sorry! I cannot stop laughing!!! I swear, I am not here to hurt your feelings!!! I am going to be blunt and honest with you because aren’t you tired of being lied to? This is a safe space. I speak to you as a beautician and artist- You are not passable as a woman, not as you are right now. You look like a man and you are even dressed like one! Do you own a shred of silk? Nylon? No? Spandex? What is your shoe size? Goodness… there is no way anyone would think you are a female, let alone a Lady- not yet. Okay, Okay, let me think… I am going to give it to you straight. Once I get my hands on you, we will work together to build a tailored Spa Package- Just for you.

 You deserve to feel pretty, we all do, I can see why you do not feel that way right now. That truly breaks my heart. You are unique and faceted- like a diamond and we are going to make you shine like one! There is only one of you and I want YOU to like you too- the way you look, the way you walk, the way you talk! I will teach you grace, discipline and class. Unless you want to be sleazy- who doesn’t love teased hair and clothes that are barely there! We are going to create a style profile, a skin routine and makeup map according to your facial shape and structure, your body frame and comfortability and personality. A hair color, hair style and we will see what suits you best. I will teach you feminine mannerisms, speech and how to walk in those high heels you have been eyeing since you walked in…

 We are going to soak those hands and feet and make them as feminine as you feel. Do you want to go short on those nails or can you handle a hand with some stiletto nails? Do not worry, I will teach you how to use them! We will determine which colors and shapes and sizes are best for you- what you are comfortable with and maybe outside of your comfort zone too. What’s your horoscope sign? Let’s turn this dreary, regular, boring day into a fun Spa girls Day!!! Throw out your plans for the day because you do not have a choice- right now you’re my new project. My little project Bitch- you like that, huh? We do not have to worry, it is just US Ladies here!! With the help of my fellow Ladies we will make you into someone you only dreamt of looking into the mirror at! Let’s get you shaved and waxed, nice, smooth and shiny. I, the other beautician Mistress’, will assist you and let you know what methods are best for you. 

Dip your toes in the warm water and soak, we can start on your facial while you relax. I will get to know your feminine self and I am excited to style you. Let yourself go and let me make you into a proper Lady. I’ll teach you everything that you have ever wanted to know but were too afraid to ask about. Take a deep breath as your facial begins… this is only the beginning of Womanhood (:


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