Playdate with Miss Isabella at chicago illusions dungeon
Hello baby! Our sweet little ABDL! Today is going to be such a happy day! You're coming over for a playdate with all of the Mommies! Being the good little baby boy that you are, you get to go on an extra special playdate! Your sweet little face beams with excitement at the thought. We have to get you ready for this wonderful day! You're down on the squishy changing mat and put in a new crinkly diaper; the one printed with all the colorful cartoons you love. Now comes the baby powder... Poof! Mommy is going to lock you into your diapey with love... It fits nice and snuggly on your baby butt! Next, I'll dress you in a cute little "I love Mommy" onesie, and put you in some fuzzy slippers and cozy little mittens! Of course the little knee pads too, since your diaper butt is going to be crawling everywhere today! Oh, and we can't forget your little pacifier!! Don't worry, I'll put that cute lil passie right in your mouth for you to suck on! You're holding your favorite animal stuffy in one hand, and Mommy's hand in the other, as you carefully take tiny steps with the help of your Mommies all the way up the stairs to the big playroom! You see big balloons of every color, toys everywhere, and then all of the sudden, a bunch of Mommies jump from behind the couch to suprise you and welcome you to the BEST PLAYDATE EVER!!!! You're so surprised, you can't stop smiling and giggling as you roll on the floor, kicking your legs up with joy as all the Mommies come to give you the warmest huggies and kissies! Kicking balloons into the air as we toss them back and forth to you, we have so much fun seeing your little face find so much joy! But another big surprise is on it's way! You hear a knock on the door, and in comes another Mommy with her sweet baby girl all dressed in pink! You crawl over so fast to meet the new baby, and make the best of friends immediately! You and your new baby bestie crawl back over to the balloons and roll around together, lightly wrestling as the balloons go everywhere! You both have so much fun playing with all of the toys together, coloring pictures together, and jumping in a little baby ball pit! You get so excited that you take one of the crayons right out of the hand of your new little baby bestie! Oh no!!!! BAD baby!!! She begins to cry, and her Mommy cradles her while another Mommy comes to grab you, bending you over her knees, pulling down your diaper and spanking your bare butt until it turns red and rosey! Your little butt is so warm in your diaper now... "You better be a good baby boy now" Mommy says. "Go give her a big hug to say you're sorry, NOW." All is good again and you both continue to play until your tummies start to rumble. Meanwhile, the Mommies prepare for snack-time galore! A medly of fruits & veggies all cut up into small pieces, homemade applesauce and banana pancakes! Both of you are strapped into your high chairs with your little bibs tied around your necks, and fed by all of the beautiful Mommies! After snack time, both of you burped and have your tummies rubbed as we rock you. "Uh oh!" says one of the Mommies! Your diaper is soooooo stinky! And hers is all wet! It's time for both of you to have your diapers changed! To get you both all clean, you get to take a nice bubble bath! Giggling at the sight of seeing each other nakey in the bath, playing with the bubbles! Splishing and splashing, and playing with all the toys! You could spend all day in there! But we don't want you to turn into two little prunes! You're having the best playdate ever with your new bestie ABDL girl, and all the most beautiful Mommies in the world! We then slowly help you both out of the tub, put you in fresh diapers and jammies, and now it's nap time. We all get cozied up in the ABDL crib while cuddling and reading the best story books, and both of you fall asleep cuddling in all your Mommies arms. Maybe after nap time, if you can still play like a good boy, we can even have a sleepover!! Best ABDL playdate ever!
-Miss Isabella