Do You Know How To Please Me?

Mistress in her Chicago Dungeon during a bondage session with her slave

You sit there with your ankles fastened to a spreader bar, forcing your legs to stretch further than ever before... Hands cuffed behind your back, chest tied firmly to a post, blindfolded, waiting in anticipation of what's to come. I visually take you in, my little toy. I've put you into the perfect position. Now that you're completey restrained, I lean in, letting you feel my soft skin up against yours. You can't see, but you can feel me getting closer and closer to your face. Looking at you, helpless and hopeless, I whisper into your ear..

"Yes, Mistress.. Anything for you, Mistress".. a faint smile pulls at the edges of my lips, but quickly disappears. I'm unimpressed.

This isn't true submission. These are just words, empty and hollow. It's been clear to me there's no intention of backing up your words with action. Unacceptable. You say "anything for you, Mistress" but I know full and well that you have not been trained to serve at such depths!... Yet! You don't even know what it means to have a Mistress, let alone serve one. You poor, dumb, pathetic, wimp. A worthless excuse for life, taking up space better used by others. Disgusting, you're not even worthy of my spit. But don't worry.. I will teach you what you don't yet know, you wanna-be slave.

Under my care, you will soon understand: Your Mistress expects you to say what you mean, mean what you say, or shut the fuck up.

As I bind your cock and balls with careful precision and a firm hand, through a peak of your blindfold, you catch a sparkle in my eye. It fills you up. I know you enjoy this feeling, slave... Making your Mistress happy. But just taking pain for me is not enough. You want to worship my tall, shiny skin tight black boots? You're going to have to put more effort in if you want to be rewarded, by faithfully committing to your weekly training regime. The sweetness of surrender is only felt as you let go and submit your will to me. Mind and full-body bliss is only experienced once you learn how to please me. Once you learn to let go. Mistress knows best.

Through diligence and discipline, the shell of who you once were will crumble, you will fully embrace being the slave you are meant to be. Together, we will take you apart piece by piece and I alone will put you back together. We began our journey together because YOU had a fantasy, a desire that could not be contained any longer, a dream that demanded exploration. But it isn't all about you anymore. It's about us. It's about your Mistress. It's about your complete subjugation. As I test, tease, deny and push you past the edges of your pysche, I learn about you... And while I learn about your intricacies, I develop my own fantasies, my own desires of all the places we could go with our time together, of all the experiences we could share. I am your Mistress, and I need attending to! I need to express my desires as they come to me, spontaneously. Do you understand what this means, slave? Because if you cannot meet my needs, I will find a real slave who will.

So you can either: say what you mean, mean what you say or shut the fuck up.




Slut Training With Head Mistress Lexi