Proper Wig Care - Chicago Cross Dressing Fetish

Cross Dresser Tips Chicago Illusions Dungeon

Wig Care

Ah, your crowning glory – but is it really? These tips will help you decide the best wig possible for your lifestyle, and the starting tips to wig wearing.

With so much focus on make-up (which we’ll discuss in later Tips of the Month), wigs are often overlooked when in reality, a bad wig will tell on you like nothing else. It is crucial that you take care of your hair because if it looks good and natural, it makes passing so much easier.

Let’s start with the basics, or as I like to call it So you’re looking for your new ‘do:

First things first, You need to decide the best wig type for you - synthetic or human hair. This is a very personal choice, and a very important one. Let’s look at the two different kinds of wigs in more detail.

Synthetic – Synthetic wigs are easier to maintain, hold their style longer, and are definitely less expensive than human hair wigs. The quality can range from rather rough (think Halloween wigs) to very silky and luxurious. This type of wig is best for those who do not wish to do a lot of brushing and setting, and do not want to wear their wig in several different styles. Be careful, setting your synthetic wig can be tricky because it melts with heat, so make sure you know what you’re doing!

Human Hair – A human hair wig truly is a luxury, and also a mighty responsibility. It fans much more naturally than a synthetic wig and has better flow with movement. Also, it can be set and rest without fear of dulling or getting that fake look. Grade A (not grade B, be sure to check the label) wigs can also be dyed or even permed if you wish. Human hair wigs are more expensive than synthetic wigs, and are for those who prefer to restyle and often change their hairstyles.

Once you have found the hair that best represents you, you need to be aware that all wigs are made with extra hair length. This is done so that you can cut and style it to your own taste. It is imperative that you see a good stylist to cut and style your wig for you before you wear it out. This makes you wig more realistic, and of course that is what we are going for! We highly recommend bringing a notebook and writing down the steps that your stylist is doing to style your wig so that you can do it yourself in the future. Don’t think that you can remember – you won’t! One of the biggest mistakes women make is popping their wig on right our of the package and not getting it cut and styled by a professional.

Now, on to continued care – You should wash your wig every six to eight wears in the summer, and in the winter every 12 to 15 wears. IF you are using heavy hairspray, or happen to perspire a lot, it is best to wash your wig every five wears.

How to wash your wig – Before washing, smooth a straight wig or hand-fluff a curly one and brush it with a wire wig comb. Then you want to add a capful of wig shampoo to a sink full of cool water (not ever warm or hot water) and immerse the wig in the cool shampoo water for about two minute. Then rinse the wig in cool clean water until all of the shampoo is out. Gently squeeze the water out of the wig. Remember: squeeze, don’t twist! Twisting wet hair on a wig can severely shorten the life of the wig. Once the excess water is out, apply wig conditioner and let sit for five minutes; then rinse again in cool clean water and squeeze excess water once again. Place the wig on a wig stand and let dry naturally. Remember: do not use any heat appliance on a synthetic wig! Also, do not comb, brush, or pick a wet wig unless you want to completely restyle it. Once the wig is fully dry, you can style as you normally would.

If you have any additional questions about wig care, feel free to e-mail us at


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